The UNESCO Creative Cities Conference will take place with main events involving UNESCO delegations, as well as initiatives aimed at the city of Fabriano, the Marche region and the whole national interested in themes related to culture, innovation and creativity.

The “Ideal City” will be the silver thread bringing together music, art, dance, visions, theatre, new media, the perspectives of global urbanism and the latest frontiers of sustainable human development.

The complete UNESCO Creative Cities Agenda is available for Delegates in the Reserved Area.

Conference sessions

From 10th to 15th June 2019, the delegates of the UNESCO network will meet to discuss the visions and strategies for the network, the main activities and results, the challenges and opportunities, the perspectives for development and the implementation of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.


Monday 10:

Guided visit for delegates to the Madonna Benois art exhibition
Presentation of the Fabriano Paper Pavilion: “A wonderful journey by Istocarta”
Palio of Fabriano: traditional medieval contest

Tuesday 11:

The “Ursa Major Cities” Project

The Ursa Major Cities project was implemented thanks to the cooperation of nine cities of the Marche region, symbolically united under the name of the Ursa Major constellation. Each city will host a UCCN cluster meeting, offering the unique opportunity to meet local stakeholders, share experiences and know-how.

❶ Media Arts
Venue: City of Macerata

❷ Crafts and Folk Art
Venue: City of Fermo

❸ Music
Venue: City of Pesaro

❹ Literature
Venue: City of Recanati

❺ Film
Venue: City of Ancona

❻ Design
Venue: City of Ascoli Piceno

❼ Gastronomy
Venue: City of Senigallia

Wednesday 12:

Opening Ceremony
Mayors’ Forum
19:00 – 20:00: Concert by “I cameristi della Scala”, from the orchestra of the Scala Theatre in Milan

Thursday 13:

Plenary Session and Transversal Thematic Sessions
18.30-20.30: Concert by UNESCO Creative Cities of Music
22.30-23.30: Concert by UNESCO Creative Cities of Music continued

Friday 14:

Closing Ceremony
Closing cultural events and concerts

Saturday 15:

Additional Cultural Programme in Marche Region

The Mayors’ Forum

the conference will host the forum of Mayors from UNESCO Creative Cities. This is an entire day dedicated to them, with guests from cities which do not belong to the network, but which implement best practices. In the breath-taking setting of the Gentile da Fabriano Theatre, there will be an open and public debate on the future of the city, thanks to an original format.

The City will be discussed as ‘a place of sharing’, a stronghold of knowledge, hospitality, inclusion and open-mindedness, in contrast with a global trend of increasing narrow-mindedness, fear, and confrontation between people.


The Ursa Major Cities project

The Conference will open and close with the Ursa Major Cities project: UNESCO delegations will be hosted in the Marche region cities chosen to represent one of the UCCN cluster.

In theatres and squares of each involved city, there will be a shared cultural event, involving artists and creatives.



Cultural events

During the annual conference, an important array of events will take place in Fabriano in the pavilions of creativity, cloisters and city squares, as well as in the Gentile Theatre.


Fabriano: the Ideal City

All this will be linked by the silver thread of the ‘Ideal City’ connecting music, art, dance, visions, theatre and new media with considerations on the future prospects of global urbanism and new frontiers in urban sustainable development.

Moreover, this event will be a great opportunity to develop relationships, contacts, synergies, and cooperative projects on an institutional, cultural, and entrepreneurial level.

For this reason, appropriate spaces will be designated, inside the Pavilions of Creativity, to create favourable conditions for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas and projects in an ideal context to share information and knowledge in different fields.
Institutions, cultural operators, and businesspersons will have the opportunity to obtain information in advance about representatives of the various cities that will attend the event held in Fabriano to allow them to successfully make preliminary contact.


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